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Crescent 2D Revamped

Update 5 | Dec 1st, 2019

        Hey everyone, welcome back to update 5 for Crescent 2D! Alex and I managed to implement a majority of our objectives this week. 
        These objectives being the completion of level 2, implementation of projectile enemies, a game title screen, enemy health 
        drops, and a playable demo. We also learned a lot from our midstone showcase and will be improving our tutorial level 
        immensely in the coming weeks!
        I will briefly go over the projectile enemy functionality. The projectile enemies moves and attack purely based on 
        randomization. They follow the player with a slight offset in position; the enemies are never overlapping with the 
        player, they keep at a certain distance and attack when intended.
        I go more in-depth with all of these mechanics in my YouTube video.
        Personally, I learned a lot about how people play our game. During our prototype showcase, I discovered that 
        our tutorial level could use a lot more work. The tutorial was not practical enough in many instances; 
        Crescent’s tutorial revolves around showing and not actually doing what is being shown. We had the 
        controls up on the screen during the tutorial level and realized that a lot of people had already 
        forgotten about them by the time they reach level 1.
        The biggest mishap would definitely be the lack of examples of how to use Crescent in the 
        tutorial level. It left many wondering what Crescent’s purpose was in the game to begin 
(Alexander's LinkedIn) (Source Code) (Download)

Crescent 2D Revamped

Update 4 | Nov 14th, 2019

        Update 4 for Crescent Revamped consists of user interface implementation. We have managed to create a variety of user interfaces 
        ranging from a player's health bar, enemy health bars, death interface, and even introduced a monologue panel while we were 
        at it.
        So to briefly talk about the code, all the user interfaces use what is called a Canvas and contain interface materials 
        ranging from buttons, text, and images. The health bars work by taking an image and converting it to a filled type. 
        Through that we are able to calculate the image’s fill amount and provide a functional health interface. If you 
        prefer a more in-depth explanation of how the health interfaces and monologue system works, I provide such 
        information in the video linked below.
        Crescent Playtesting:
        Last week we prepared our very first playtesting sessions for Crescent. Personally, I wanted to know if the 
        tutorial level was easy to find and if the controls were reliable. Through two play test sessions Alex 
        and I have come to the conclusion that the tutorial level was fairly difficult to find without the 
        assistance of user interface.
        On top of this, I noticed that the button detection when it came to interacting with certain objects 
        or levels was really inconsistent; it would take multiple button presses to trigger these events 
        at times. Hopefully with this recent patch the tutorial level is easier to find. However, we do 
        plan on fixing the inconsistency when it comes to button pressing for interactions, along with 
        implementing level 2 & 3, and publicly releasing a download to play the game. This will inline 
        with my goal of becoming a gameplay programmer or graphics programming specialist.            
(Alexander's LinkedIn) (Source Code)

Crescent 2D Revamped

Update 3 | Oct 21st, 2019
            Welcome to the third update of Crescent revamped. This week, Alex and I managed to fulfill a lot of tasks that were expected 
            in last week’s update. This week’s patch includes a tutorial level, parry projectile system, a variety of power ups, camera 
            shake functionality, and a jump-dash mechanic that was in the previous prototype!

            Let’s begin by talking about how the parry system works with projectiles. We created an empty game object inside the 
            player, called it sword and attached a box collider to the empty game object. The script then checks when the 
            collider on the sword and the collider on the projectile are colliding. To do this, we use a method called 
            OnTriggerEnter2D and set all the projectiles to have a specific tag to ensure the player is truly hitting 
            a projectile. The crescent power up allows the player to manually control crescent and its light. We did 
            this by using boolean variables. So if we had a variable called player_movement that was set to false 
            then the player would not be able to move. Immediately after this, we set another boolean variable to 
            true which allows crescent to move instead. We did this in hopes that the player uses crescent’s 
            light and movement to find clues hidden in the dark.
            In the next update, we hope to finally implement some form of user interface, finish off building level 2, 
            begin working on level 3 and 4, and begin adding in additional enemies or player attack combos. On top of 
            this, we are planning on getting some feedback from play testers and releasing a playable demo to the 
            public. Pushing out these future updates will correspond with my goal of becoming a gameplay 
            programmer or graphics programming specialist.
(Alexander's LinkedIn) (Source Code)

Crescent 2D Revamped

Update 2 | Oct 7th, 2019
            Hey everyone, welcome to the second update of Crescent revamped. This week, we finished building level one, implemented 
        enemy AI functionality, enemy AI animations, player attack animations, and level selection.

        To speak more upon the implementation of enemy AI, we used a couple float variables such as distance, height, and range. 
        Distance allowed us to determine how far or close the enemy was to the player by subtracting their positions along the 
        x-axis. The range variable works together with the distance variable to determine when the enemy should begin 
        following the player. For example, if the range variable was set to 25 & -25 and the distance went below that 
        value, then the enemy would begin following the player. The reasoning behind the positive and negative number 
        is based on left and right directions; the enemy would begin following the left side if the distance went 
        below 25, while if the distance went below -25 the enemy would begin following the player on the right 
        side. As for the height variable, we subtract the player’s position along the y-axis with the enemy’s 
        position along the y-axis. We use this to determine if the player goes beyond the enemy’s height. If 
        the player goes beyond the enemy’s height, then the enemy begins to jump to catch up to the player.
        In the coming weeks, we plan on implementing user interface, more level creations, additional 
        enemies, player attacks or combos, and camera effects. Releasing these new updates will 
        correspond with my goal of becoming a gameplay programmer or graphics programming 
(Alexander's LinkedIn) (Source Code)

Crescent 2D Revamped

Update 1 | Sept 28th, 2019
            Hello everyone, I will be starting off this new school semester with a revamp of Crescent 2D! I would like to announce 
        that I am partnering up with my friend Alexander Dispenza, who previously worked on one of his own projects called Light 
        Leads The Way. These first few weeks have consisted of coming up with ways to make game creation a lot more 
        efficient, while also figuring out ways of merging the two projects together. However, this particular 
        update will be more focused on the revamping stages, so I will be explaining our use for tilemaps, 
        and the way we changed up the camera’s functionality.

        So far, the mechanics or features we have to showcase are the tilemaps and camera. Tilemaps allow us to create 
        levels or maps a lot more efficiently. Instead of manually placing block by block, we can smoothly paint our 
        levels! As for the camera, I programmed the camera to follow the player, rather than placing the camera 
        inside of the character to simulate a similar motion. This allows us to include camera effects such 
        as shaking or bouncing. If I had tried creating a shaking or bouncing motion with the previous 
        camera, the character would shake or bounce along with it; displaying a visual bug or glitch.

        After this initial post, we plan on creating multiple levels using tilemaps, adding enemy AI, player 
        attacks, and additional character animations. Pushing these new updates out will coincide with my 
        goal of becoming a gameplay programmer or graphics programming specialist.           
(Alexander's LinkedIn) (Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Prototype)

Showcase | May 1st, 2019
            Welcome back to the prototype showcasing of Crescent! In the attached video I display all the mechanics I've worked 
        on during my second college semester put into a short little demo with 3 levels.

        Throughout my series, I created a total of 10 game mechanics. These mechanics include my sprint mechanic, jump-dash 
        mechanic, camera manipulation mechanic, crouch mechanic, puzzle mechanic, AI mechanic, projectile mechanic, 
        health & status mechanic, checkpoint mechanic, and a powerup mechanic.
        Moving forward, I plan on adding audio, a datastore system to save data, create additional stages or polish 
        current stages, integrate an experience bar, and expand on my current mechanics. This will inline with 
        be wanting to become a graphics programming
(Download) (Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Powerup Mechanic)

Update 10 | April 28th, 2019
            Welcome everyone to the tenth and final mechanic showcase! In this update I will be talking about my powerup mechanic. 
        So far, I’ve created two types of collectible powerups: the jump power increase power up, and the healthkit power 
        up. Both power ups are somewhat self explanatory, the jump increase power up increases the player’s jump power 
        for a set amount of time, while the healthkit power up gives the play an additional 100 health. This mechanic 
        functions by using a triggered collider to detect whether or not the player is touching the powerups. If the 
        player is touching the power up then it will all depend on the tag of the power up. Depending on the tag, 
        it will provide different functionality.

        With all the mechanics I’ve created combined, that comes to a total of ten game mechanics. Here is a list 
        of what I have created: sprint mechanic, dash-jump mechanic, camera zooming mechanic, crouch mechanic, 
        puzzle mechanic, enemy mobility mechanic, projectile mechanic, health/status mechanic, checkpoint 
        mechanic, and power up mechanic. My plans after this final mechanic update is to post a playable 
        demo that hopefully contains a few new mechanics. This will inline with be wanting to become 
        a gameplay programming specialist.

        This playable demo will likely be released in about a week or so, stay tuned!        
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Checkpoint Mechanic)

Update 9 | April 21st, 2019
            Hello world, it’s currently getting close to the end of the school year for us students! Today, I’ll be showcasing my 
        checkpoint mechanic. The idea is fairly easy to understand, once the player dies it spawns them in a designated area. 
        How I accomplished this was by creating a vector3 variable equivalent to the checkpoint’s position and checking to 
        see if the player collided with the checkpoint. If the player collides with the checkpoint, and the player were to 
        die, then their position would be set to the vector3 variable and be respawned at the checkpoint.

         As of now, I have programmed nine game mechanics and plan on completing my tenth mechanic fairly soon. 
         Here are the current game mechanics right now: sprint mechanic, dash-jump mechanic, camera zooming 
         mechanic, crouch mechanic, puzzle mechanic, enemy mobility mechanic, projectile mechanic, 
         health/status mechanic, and now a checkpoint mechanic. After this, I will be working on 
         a powerup mechanic. Creating these mechanics will push me towards my goal of becoming 
         a gameplay programming specialist.        
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Health & Status UI Mechanic)

Update 8 | April 14th, 2019
            Hello, this is the eighth game mechanic I’ve created throughout my journey. This mechanic is more associated with the 
        graphical user interface side of things, so I call it the health/status mechanic. The health/status mechanic is a user 
        interface that allows the user to keep track of health and status of the character. If a scenario were to ever occur 
        of the player being low on health, then this mechanic will inform them. This mechanic functions by taking the 
        player’s health and changing the status of the player depending on how much health they have. The health bar 
        works by creating a float variable then inside that variable are the size of the health bar’s along the 
        x-axis then dividing it by the player’s health. The health bar is then rescaled along the x-axis by 
        taking the player’s health and multiplying it by the float variable, this allows it to be scaled 

        So far the game mechanics implemented are the sprint mechanic, dash-jump mechanic, camera zooming mechanic, 
        crouch mechanic, puzzle mechanic, enemy mobility mechanic, projectile mechanic, and now the health/status 
        mechanic. My ninth mechanic will be a checkpoint mechanic, allowing the player to respawn where they left 
        off. This will push me towards my goal of becoming a gameplay programming specialist.
        Moving forward, I will will be programming my next game mechanic. 
        This should be finished by next week! 
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Projectile Mechanic)

Update 7 | April 12th, 2019
            Hey everybody! This marks game mechanic number 7. For this mechanic specifically I crafted a projectile mechanic that allows me 
        to shoot projectiles at any form of enemies I have implemented in my game. The process was fairly simple, I created a gameObject 
        that is attached to the player of where the projectile should spawn, the code then takes that information and proceeds to spawn 
        in a prefab of the projectile using a function in Unity called instantiate. Once that’s done, it applies a constant force 
        allowing the projectile to move straight forward and being destroyed on impact or destroyed after a set amount of time.

        I currently have a sprint mechanic, dash-jump mechanic, camera zooming mechanic, crouch mechanic, puzzle mechanic, enemy 
        mobility mechanic, and a projectile mechanic implemented into my capstone. My next goal will be to work on a 
        health/status mechanic that will be of significant use to the player. This will inline with be wanting to 
        become a gameplay programming specialist.

        My next task from here will be completing my eighth game mechanic. I plan on finishing this immediately after 
        my seventh mechanic has been published.
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (AI Mechanic)

Update 6 | April 7th, 2019
            Hello everyone, this is part 6 of my game mechanic showcase. For my sixth mechanic I decided to program an enemy mobility 
        or AI mechanic. Essentially the code functions by allowing the enemy to move left and right, checking if the player has 
        collided with the triggered collider attached to the enemy, damaging the player, and the possibility of jumping to 
        throw the player off. The overall movement was coded by just applying constant force on the x and y axis, if the 
        player collided with the trigger attached to the enemy then the enemy is inclined to jump towards the player to 
        throw them off. The damage portion was more dependant on checking to see if the player collided with the enemy, 
        if so it randomizes how much damage it should do to the player.

        As of now, I have programmed six game mechanics and plan on reaching ten fairly soon. Here are the current 
        game mechanics right now: sprint mechanic, dash-jump mechanic, camera zooming mechanic, crouch mechanic, 
        puzzle mechanic, and now a enemy mobility mechanic. After this, I will be working on a projectile
        mechanic and a health/status mechanic. The creation of all of these mechanics will push me 
        towards my goal of becoming a gameplay programming specialist.
        My responsibility moving forward will be programming my next game mechanic. This should 
        be finished within the same week! 
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Puzzle Mechanic)

Update 5 | April 4th, 2019
            Welcome to part 5 of my capstone mechanics presentation. Part 5 involves me talking about my puzzle mechanic and how it can 
        play a big role in my game. The approach I tried to take with my puzzle mechanic was to use other mechanics I’ve created 
        throughout this journey such as the camera zooming mechanic to gather clues for the puzzle. In this scenario, after the 
        clue is found it is up to the player to decipher the code. Once the code has been deciphered, the player is prompt with 
        a user interface in which the user is required to input the correct digits to proceed to the next level. To talk a 
        little bit on how the code works, I have a script attached to the user interface that checks to see if the digits 
        the player types matches with the initial code I have set up in the script.

        Currently, I have programmed a sprint mechanic, a dash-jump mechanic, a camera zooming mechanic, crouch 
        mechanic, and a puzzle mechanic. The next thing I’ll be working on is an enemy AI mechanic. This will 
        push me towards my goal of becoming a gameplay programming specialist.
        My responsibility moving forward will be coding my sixth game mechanic for my capstone. This should 
        be around shortly after my fifth game mechanic is published. 
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Crouch Mechanic)

Update 4 | Feb 28th, 2019
            Sorry for the delay on updates everyone! This additional entry makes part 4 and today I'll be showcasing my crouch mechanic. 
        The crouch mechanic is required to be used in various parts of the game and revolves around swiftly moving from one end to 
        another, I took a lot inspiration from a game called Splatoon. Surprisingly enough, this didn't require any difficult 
        procedures to accomplish this, more so utilizing animations, and colliders. In regards to how the crouch mechanic 
        works, I simply made it so that whenever the CTRL key on the keyboard is pressed, the player's collider is swapped 
        out with a smaller one and the animation is set to the crouch animation I created. This makes it look and 
        feel like the player is swimming smoothly underneath fences.

        I’ve currently programmed a sprint mechanic, a dash-jump mechanic, a camera zooming mechanic, and now a crouch 
        mechanic. Moving forward, I’ll be working on the puzzle mechanic, enemy AI, and improving anything else I’ve 
        created as of yet. This will inline with be wanting to become a gameplay programming specialist.

        My next task from here will be completing my fifth game mechanic. I plan on finishing this immediately after 
        my fourth mechanic is published.
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Camera Zoom Mechanic)

Update 3 | Feb 21st, 2019
            What’s up everybody, this entry will make part 3 for my game mechanic series. This week I’ll be showcasing 
        my camera zooming mechanic. The concept is that the player will have the ability to zoom in and out of the 
        game in order to complete the set-out puzzle mechanics placed inside of Crescent. To summarize how I’m 
        getting the camera to do this, I’m essentially just scaling the orthographic size by however long the 
        player is holding down the Q or E key on their keyboard causing it to either zoom in or out. The 
        camera also offsets a bit upwards so you can see what’s above you, this done by setting the 
        camera’s x, y, z coordinates to wherever the camera is currently placed in-game and adding 
        or subtracting a value of 2.25 to the y-axis depending if the player is zooming in or out.

        As of yet, I’ve programmed a sprint mechanic, a dash-jump mechanic, and now a camera 
        zooming mechanic. Moving forward, I’ll be working on a crouching and puzzle mechanic, 
        and improving anything else I’ve created along the way. This will inline with be 
        wanting to become a gameplay programming specialist.

        My next task from here will be completing my fourth game mechanic. I plan on 
        finishing this during the fourth week since posting my first game mechanic.
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Jump-Dash Mechanic)

Update 2 | Feb 14th, 2019
            Hello everyone, welcome to my second game mechanic showcase. This week I’ve created a jump-dash mechanic! 
        The concept of my jump-dash mechanic is to reach a far distance and high placed platform efficiently, 
        this goal was accomplished using vectors. Whenever the player hits the F key on their keyboard, the 
        code creates a new vector and takes the player’s x and y coordinates, so the player isn’t offset 
        somewhere random in the game. I then add or subtract an additional 10 units to the x coordinate 
        depending on where the player is moving and if the player is jumping, creating a jump-dash.

        So far, I’ve programmed the sprint mechanic, and now the dash-jump mechanic. Moving forward, 
        I’ll be working on a camera mechanic, and improving anything else I’ve created along the way. 
        This will inline with be wanting to become a gameplay programming specialist.

        My next task from here will be completing my third game mechanic. I plan on 
        finishing this during the third week since posting my first game mechanic.
(Source Code)

Crescent 2D Platformer (Sprint Mechanic)

Update 1 | Feb 7th, 2019
            Hey everyone, I’m ready to showcase the first of my many game mechanics I’ve worked on this college semester. 
        The first mechanic I’m showcasing here is a sprint mechanic, a very simple mechanic to start things off. However, 
        I guarantee the mechanics will get more complex from here on out. The concept of the sprint mechanic is that 
        whenever the player holds the shift key on their keyboard, the character in-game will accelerate at a faster 
        speed than usual. I also included a release method so whenever the player releases the shift key, the 
        character reverts to regular speed. The overall purpose of the sprint mechanic is to maneuver around 
        the map at a faster pace, this can be helpful if a map is gigantic.

        So far, I’ve only programmed the sprint mechanic. Moving forward, I’ll be working on a jump-dash mechanic, 
        camera mechanic, and improving my sprint mechanic or animations if needed. This will inline with be wanting 
        to become a gameplay programming specialist.

        My next task will be completing my second game mechanic. I plan on finishing this next week 
        since posting this sprint mechanic.
(Source Code)

Global Game Jam 2019

Jan 28th, 2019
            Hey everyone, I recently attended the Global Game Jam 2019 and it was a blast! Our team came 
        out with a platformer called Familiar Relief. The concept is that the game starts off very difficult 
        and progressively gets easier, we did this to correspond with the theme: “What does home mean to 
        you?”. Our mindset was that whenever someone goes home, they gain a sense of relief, so we tried 
        implementing that into the game. To do this, not only did we make the game challenging towards 
        the beginning, but the art style also changes from simplistic to detailed illustrations; 
        once the game is complete from start to finish you gain a sense of relief, 
        just like going home.

        We also implemented quite a few mechanics that made the game difficult to complete. 
        These range from falling blocks to spikes. The falling blocks look just like normal 
        blocks, but once a player touches the block, the block immediately falls and takes 
        the player with it too (we are just subtracting from the block’s y-axis for it to 
        fall like it does [we also use the game engine’s implemented physics to give the 
        block cool rotation effects]). The spikes get triggered once the player collides 
        with the spike’s collider, this causes the player to instantly die and restart 
        from the start of a specific level. 
(Global Game Jam Site/Download) (Source Code)