Evadere is a 3D escape room created in Unity where players must solve puzzles in order
to proceed to the following room(s). Evadere originally started out as a Global Game Jam 2021
project with my friends Alex, Tyler, Marcus, and Carlos (The Theme was Lost & Found).
A few weeks after Global Game Jam, Alex and I decided to use the project as a stepping
stone for our Capstone (hence why its in both School and Personal projects). Since
then, we cleaned some things up, fixed lingering bugs, and implemented a
networking co-op feature so players can complete escape rooms together!
Check out my teammate Alexander Dispenza!
• Integrated Co-op Multiplayer
(Room Creation/Joining, Host starting game,
and Scene Replication)
• 3D Character movement/rotation
• Interaction system using Raycasts
• Inventory system
• User-Interface